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Coach and Minibus Hire for Christmas Work Parties

Office Christmas parties can be a great idea, if they are organised properly. A good office Christmas party is a chance for your staff to relax and unwind after a long year and get to know their workmates socially, face to face, instead of just in a barrage of inter-office emails. However a badly organised office Christmas party can quickly degenerate into a drunken mess where you will see your staff in a new and often revealing light.

So to save your office Christmas party from this downward spiral of Christmas anti-cheer, start your planing now. Firstly you will have to decide where to hold the festivities. You may want to steer away from having your office Christmas party at the office, because as the boss you will probably be the one having to clean up after everyone has gone home and you don? want to have to worry about trying to get that party pie which fell behind the filing cabinet and you also don? want to risk having an electrical disaster when someone spills champagne on the photocopier.

Therefore, choose a nice bar close to the office, it could just be the local pub or for something a bit flashier, you could all head to the bar at a nearby hotel which will be beautifully decorated for Christmas and with a large office group, you may even get a discount on rooms as a treat for your staff and their families.

Once you have decided where to take your staff, you will need to work out how to get there. As the boss you will probably shout your employees a few drinks and they will undoubtedly shout themselves a few more. Therefore make sure that no one is tempted to drink and drive, by hiring a coach for your office Christmas party.

You may need to hire a few coaches, but they won? be much more expensive than calling a taxi and you?l need a lot less coaches than taxis. Getting a coach to the office Christmas party means your staff have either left their cars at home or at the office so you can also hire the coaches back again at the end of the night to take everyone back home safely.

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